Thursday, December 5, 2013


The most addictive webpage on the internet, Pinterest. As a college student, Pinterest is my best friend. I am majoring in Early Childhood Education and so my classes consist on making lesson plan after lesson plan. With Pinterest, I have tons of ideas for lesson plans at the tip of my fingers. I can type in a topic or grade and BAM, I have tons of choices to choose from. Pinterest can be a life saver for teachers. It is very simple and easy to use once you have the general idea of how everything works. You just browse and "pin" what you like so you can return to it later, it is like bookmarks on the web. I created a lesson plan,found here, over Geometric shapes. My ideas all came from pins on Pinterest. The lesson deals with teaching the different types of quadrilaterals and how they look. The first step is to create a PowerPoint over quadrilaterals and have your students take notes over them. They will then get into groups and compare notes to make sure they have everything. They will then create a chart with all 5 shapes including 2-3 facts and a drawing of each. Here is my example:
Once they complete their chart, they need to switch charts with another group to make sure they made zero mistakes. Now it is time for the fun part. They will get to create models of these shapes using toothpicks and marshmellows. Here is my example:
This would be a rectangle. Once they complete all 5 models you can walk around and grade them. This is a super fun way to learn all about quadrilaterals. Enjoy!