Thursday, December 5, 2013


The most addictive webpage on the internet, Pinterest. As a college student, Pinterest is my best friend. I am majoring in Early Childhood Education and so my classes consist on making lesson plan after lesson plan. With Pinterest, I have tons of ideas for lesson plans at the tip of my fingers. I can type in a topic or grade and BAM, I have tons of choices to choose from. Pinterest can be a life saver for teachers. It is very simple and easy to use once you have the general idea of how everything works. You just browse and "pin" what you like so you can return to it later, it is like bookmarks on the web. I created a lesson plan,found here, over Geometric shapes. My ideas all came from pins on Pinterest. The lesson deals with teaching the different types of quadrilaterals and how they look. The first step is to create a PowerPoint over quadrilaterals and have your students take notes over them. They will then get into groups and compare notes to make sure they have everything. They will then create a chart with all 5 shapes including 2-3 facts and a drawing of each. Here is my example:
Once they complete their chart, they need to switch charts with another group to make sure they made zero mistakes. Now it is time for the fun part. They will get to create models of these shapes using toothpicks and marshmellows. Here is my example:
This would be a rectangle. Once they complete all 5 models you can walk around and grade them. This is a super fun way to learn all about quadrilaterals. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The thoughts on Web 2.0 tools.

Web 2.0 Tools Overview

1. MyBrainShark-The first step is to upload your presentation which can include documents or a video. You then get to edit it by making pictures talk or creating voice-overs for different areas of your presentation. When you are all done, you can save it and share it and also keep track of it. I would use this tool for many of my presentations. It would be best to use if I had a sub or for a take home assignment.

2.iNetWord-This tool is used for creating documents. It also includes the features of Word documents like: spellcheck, borders, fonts, pictures, etc. When you are finished, you can share the document and others can make changes and add to the document. I would use this in my class when I wanted the classroom as a whole to see a document. I could also use this tool for a classroom project and everyone could edit and add their input.

3.FindThatFile- This is a search engine tool. It is used to search for media files all across the web. Media includes video, audio etc. It will not bring up all web pages, just media files. I would use this tool for class assignments and projects. This would be helpful when dealing with searching for videos and songs in the classroom.

4.Photobucket-This tool allows you to upload all the media you have on your computer. You then can create your own albums. Once you are done you can share your album. I would use this tool for an introduction about me slide show. I could also use this tool to have my students make an album portraying their own lives.

5.Tagxedo-This tool is used to create a word cloud by your input of words. You can use letters, articles, speeches, etc. It will begin highlighting frequent words. I could use this tool as a creative way to instruct students. Students could also use this tool to make a word cloud all about themselves.

6.Yacapaca-This tool allows you to create tests and quizzes. You can also use their already made tests and quizzes. Also, you can create lists. I would use this tool to create my tests. I could also use their already created tests if I needed too.

7.Createagraph-This tool allows you to create graphs. It has 5 templates you can choose from. You cannot save your graph, only print it. I would use this tool to create worksheets. I can also assign students a project where they will have to create a graph.

8.Mixbook-This tool allows you to make a book. You create the story and then upload images from your computer. The pages turn and you can put it on a website. I would use this tool for a class project. I would make my students create a book over a certain topic.

9.Quikmaps-This tool allows you to edit maps. You can add your own landmarks to a map. You can also draw on the map. Once you are done you can publish it to a website. I would use this when talking about geography. I could have students put facts about the place we are studying.

10.jamendo-This tool allows you to search and listen to music. The artist of the song is the one who downloads the song. You are allowed to download and share this music. I would use this in my class presentations. I would also use this when my students have a project dealing with music.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Social Networking

My first article dealt with the positive and negative effects of social networking. It talked about four different concepts. The first concept dealt with helping small business'. Small business' cannot afford the same advertising and marketing as a big business. With social networking they can get their name out there for free. I completely agree with this concept. The second concept was it can be addicting. It talked about how people wake up to check their social networks and how people focus all their time and energy on their networks abusing their family and tasks they need to do. I also agree with this statement. I know in my life I do wake up and check Twitter and Instagram and throughout the day I am on them several times. The third concept was that social networks help publish and market items instead of going through celebrities and industries. I do notice on my own networks advertisements on the sides and bottom so I agree with this statement. The fourth concept dealt with the problem that people share too much. I completely agree. people put their whole life story on the internet for everyone to see. I am even known to do that. The second article dealt with the negative effects of social networking. The article talks about how we are beginning to look into the lives of people who we aren't even close too and that we deep down do not care about. It also talks about how social media is taking over people's lives. Both of these statements are so true. I am always checking and posting on my networks. I worry about what people will say or think about my posts. I also do "creep" on people who I honestly am not close too and really do not care about. It is more of a habit. I believe social networking, if used correctly and with a balance, can be a really good thing though. What do you think?
Positive/Negative of Social Networking
Negative Effects

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Just a glimpse into my life.

Hey! I am just a 19 year old sophomore living life large. My name is Brittany McBride and I am from Benton. I am currently attending Henderson State University working towards an Early Childhood Education degree. My family just expanded! My mom got married this past Saturday so I now have 2 older step-sisters and a step-brother added to my family. I am so excited to start a new journey with them. My main interests are anything to do with serving in the church and my all time favorite hobby is to shop. I may not dress great every day but I love to keep up with fashion and buy the latest trends. I also enjoy spending time outdoors. I love to fish and hunt. Right now, the majority of my life revolves around getting my degree. I want to be a teacher for several reasons. I enjoy being around children and I want to be a positive role model and make a difference in children's lives. I have always easily connected with children and handle them well. At the moment, I am not sure what grade level I want to teach. I go back and forth between Kindergarten and Fourth grade. I think after I get all my observation hours I will be able to decide. I am leaning towards older though. I created this blog for one of my classes at Henderson State University. My theme is pink polka dots because my favorite color is pink and I love polka dots. Overall, I am just an outgoing, sweet, girly girl who loves to shop and have a good time and meet new people! I hope you enjoy reading all my posts!
Favorite Sites: