Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Just a glimpse into my life.

Hey! I am just a 19 year old sophomore living life large. My name is Brittany McBride and I am from Benton. I am currently attending Henderson State University working towards an Early Childhood Education degree. My family just expanded! My mom got married this past Saturday so I now have 2 older step-sisters and a step-brother added to my family. I am so excited to start a new journey with them. My main interests are anything to do with serving in the church and my all time favorite hobby is to shop. I may not dress great every day but I love to keep up with fashion and buy the latest trends. I also enjoy spending time outdoors. I love to fish and hunt. Right now, the majority of my life revolves around getting my degree. I want to be a teacher for several reasons. I enjoy being around children and I want to be a positive role model and make a difference in children's lives. I have always easily connected with children and handle them well. At the moment, I am not sure what grade level I want to teach. I go back and forth between Kindergarten and Fourth grade. I think after I get all my observation hours I will be able to decide. I am leaning towards older though. I created this blog for one of my classes at Henderson State University. My theme is pink polka dots because my favorite color is pink and I love polka dots. Overall, I am just an outgoing, sweet, girly girl who loves to shop and have a good time and meet new people! I hope you enjoy reading all my posts!
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  1. Hey Brittney!!! i love your blog! i love the polka dots! and i want to teach kindergarten!

  2. Hey Brittney! I love your blog and the polka dots! I want to teach kindergarten too!!!
