Monday, October 21, 2013

Social Networking

My first article dealt with the positive and negative effects of social networking. It talked about four different concepts. The first concept dealt with helping small business'. Small business' cannot afford the same advertising and marketing as a big business. With social networking they can get their name out there for free. I completely agree with this concept. The second concept was it can be addicting. It talked about how people wake up to check their social networks and how people focus all their time and energy on their networks abusing their family and tasks they need to do. I also agree with this statement. I know in my life I do wake up and check Twitter and Instagram and throughout the day I am on them several times. The third concept was that social networks help publish and market items instead of going through celebrities and industries. I do notice on my own networks advertisements on the sides and bottom so I agree with this statement. The fourth concept dealt with the problem that people share too much. I completely agree. people put their whole life story on the internet for everyone to see. I am even known to do that. The second article dealt with the negative effects of social networking. The article talks about how we are beginning to look into the lives of people who we aren't even close too and that we deep down do not care about. It also talks about how social media is taking over people's lives. Both of these statements are so true. I am always checking and posting on my networks. I worry about what people will say or think about my posts. I also do "creep" on people who I honestly am not close too and really do not care about. It is more of a habit. I believe social networking, if used correctly and with a balance, can be a really good thing though. What do you think?
Positive/Negative of Social Networking
Negative Effects

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