Sunday, October 27, 2013

The thoughts on Web 2.0 tools.

Web 2.0 Tools Overview

1. MyBrainShark-The first step is to upload your presentation which can include documents or a video. You then get to edit it by making pictures talk or creating voice-overs for different areas of your presentation. When you are all done, you can save it and share it and also keep track of it. I would use this tool for many of my presentations. It would be best to use if I had a sub or for a take home assignment.

2.iNetWord-This tool is used for creating documents. It also includes the features of Word documents like: spellcheck, borders, fonts, pictures, etc. When you are finished, you can share the document and others can make changes and add to the document. I would use this in my class when I wanted the classroom as a whole to see a document. I could also use this tool for a classroom project and everyone could edit and add their input.

3.FindThatFile- This is a search engine tool. It is used to search for media files all across the web. Media includes video, audio etc. It will not bring up all web pages, just media files. I would use this tool for class assignments and projects. This would be helpful when dealing with searching for videos and songs in the classroom.

4.Photobucket-This tool allows you to upload all the media you have on your computer. You then can create your own albums. Once you are done you can share your album. I would use this tool for an introduction about me slide show. I could also use this tool to have my students make an album portraying their own lives.

5.Tagxedo-This tool is used to create a word cloud by your input of words. You can use letters, articles, speeches, etc. It will begin highlighting frequent words. I could use this tool as a creative way to instruct students. Students could also use this tool to make a word cloud all about themselves.

6.Yacapaca-This tool allows you to create tests and quizzes. You can also use their already made tests and quizzes. Also, you can create lists. I would use this tool to create my tests. I could also use their already created tests if I needed too.

7.Createagraph-This tool allows you to create graphs. It has 5 templates you can choose from. You cannot save your graph, only print it. I would use this tool to create worksheets. I can also assign students a project where they will have to create a graph.

8.Mixbook-This tool allows you to make a book. You create the story and then upload images from your computer. The pages turn and you can put it on a website. I would use this tool for a class project. I would make my students create a book over a certain topic.

9.Quikmaps-This tool allows you to edit maps. You can add your own landmarks to a map. You can also draw on the map. Once you are done you can publish it to a website. I would use this when talking about geography. I could have students put facts about the place we are studying.

10.jamendo-This tool allows you to search and listen to music. The artist of the song is the one who downloads the song. You are allowed to download and share this music. I would use this in my class presentations. I would also use this when my students have a project dealing with music.

1 comment:

  1. The quikmaps thing actually sounds interesting. It could probably work for a history class, too.
